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Sumidero Canyon Mar 04

This park is located in the towns of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapa de Corzo, Nuevo Usumacinta and San Fernando in the state of Chiapas. It was declared National park on 1980 and it has an area of 21.789 hectares. Its canyon walls and forest vegetation goes up to 1000 meters in height, allowing the presence of micro-environments with different climates of the region.

There are different versions about the size of the canyon, in the case of the length varies from 13 to 22 km, depending on what is taken as the start and end points and the height varies between 700 and 1400 m.

It can be admired by land, only 23 km from the city center, with 5 viewpoints which are La Ceiba, El Coyote, El Tepehuaje, El Roblar and Los Chiapa, or for an exciting river route, starting from more…