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Coyoacán Apr 18

Coyoacán (means place of coyotes in Nahuatl) is a magical space, filled with history, legends and culture. Located in the south of Mexico City provides an enormous wealth to its visitors. It is one of the areas of the city where people can appreciate more the colonial legacy in the city, a few decades ago it was a town located outside the city and now is entirely within the same, but still retains its traditional Mexican character, which together with its beautiful squares, streets, mansions, gardens, churches, restaurants and museums, has attracted a large number of artists, which gave this area a pleasant intellectual atmosphere.

Coyoacán has its origins in pre-Hispanic times in which a population was located in the south on one of the lakes at that time covered most of the Valley of Mexico, but became more important after the fall of Tenochtitlan, and while this was rebuilt to form what is now the Historical Center, was established in Coyoacán the capital of New Spain. more…